
Bobby Baker Chicken

Sounds like a funny name but this is a really good recipe and relatively easy to make.  It's especially good grilled but in light of not having one, I had to bake it this time.

Bobby Baker was a professor at Cornell (and incidentally the inventor of chicken nuggets). This recipe is actually called Modified Cornell Chicken but I grew up eating it and my parents (who had him as a prof) called it Bobby Baker. The recipe sounds weird, but it has a crazy mixed flavor that somehow just works.  Traditionally we ate it with rice and macaroni salad (a Hawaiian thing).

12 chicken leg quarters (thigh+drumsticks) with the skin on
Basting Marinade:
- 1 1/2 C vinegar (I prefer white, but most people use apple cider)
- 1 Tb poultry seasoning
- 1 Tb kosher salt
- 1 egg
- 3 C vinegar
- 2 C water
- 2 Tb poultry seasoning
- 2 Tb kosher salt

Mix the marinade and marinate the whole quarters in it for about 1 hour in the refrigerator (once you've tried it, you can get extra tanginess by marinating longer - up to 4 hours).  In a non-metallic bowl, beat the egg and then add the rest of the basting ingredients.

Best to grill over a medium-low heat, but if you have to, broil it under low heat first with the skin-side down first for 20 minutes, then flip it and do the other side.  Whether grilling (mmmmm!) or broiling, baste it about every 5 minutes with a basting brush.  Hope you like it!

Incidentally, this is a modified version that my mother had taught me.  There are several versions of the recipe that you can find. Here's a more traditional one.

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