
Cool Foods: Finger Limes

I've heard of a lot of strange food items but this really stood out...finger limes.

What makes these so cool is the bead-like inside (pearls) and the variety of both flesh and skin colors. They are from Australia and I would guess fairly difficult to get in the USA but thanks to the folks at Gilt (my new guilty browsing pleasure) they are available right now (at some point this link will die so if you want some, grab them soon).

Anyone from Australia have some good recipes that use these? Anyone in NYC know a local place to get them?

Images from Gilt (follow on Twitter)


  1. Whole Foods carries finger limes here so I would imagine you could get them in NYC if there is one there.

  2. Thanks, Tina! I'll check it out - don't get to Whole Foods often here - maybe they're seasonal?

    1. check out this article from Saveur:http://www.saveur.com/article/Kitchen/finger-limes
