My Jen
Hot Chocolate
Pesto Capellini
Carrot Pappardelle
Finger Limes
Modern BLT

Dark Chocolate Bacon Strips

A lot of chocolate this week. After the salted chocolate, the next phase was marrying the dark chocolate to my favorite bacon. Here it's a quick snack served with ripe black Mission figs.

The idea for it started as a garnish for a dessert (coming up) but after I made them, they were so good I ended up just eating them as is. And I wish I could say there is some incredibly complex preparation for this but in fact it was so simple!

3oz good dark chocolate (70% minimum - for this I used 85% Green & Black)
6 strips thinly sliced smoked bacon (tastes better smoked)

Microwave the bacon in paper towels until all the fat has come out and the bacon is pretty crisp all through, then cool in fridge. Meanwhile, melt good dark chocolate (preferably in a double boiler, but if not, melt it in a bowl in the microwave in 20 second shots until just starting to melt, then stir until complete). Carefully break the bacon strips in half. Use chopsticks or a fork to dip the strips into the chocolate, place on some parchment, and cool in fridge.

Image by MadeForJen


  1. Oh man Mat, what are you doing to me?!! I've gotta lose 5 pounds, not add ten in one sitting. These babies are sinful...but look delish so how can I possibly resist? Just for that your next post better be a crazy healthy salad ;)


  2. This is do great and so easy! Gonna try it next week. Thank you!!


  3. This was probably my favorite dessert, with challah french toast. thanks.

  4. Oh My!! I can't wait to make the chocolate bacon for my husband, he LOVES bacon! Since I'm not a meat eater I really have no idea how to fix it but this is something I can totally do and licking the chocolate bowl is totally up my alley, thanks! Michelle W
